Aerial Yoga

Practicing in the hammocks is a powerful, relaxing and playful exercise for the body and mind! Hammocks are mainly used as a prop to get into yoga positions. It decompresses the spine and the body physically and mentally in a playful way. It is a combination of yoga and acrobatics. Aerial Yoga will “reward” you in no time. Already from the 3rd or 4th lesson you will find yourself in positions that look impressive, while you will have already tasted the feeling of floating and zero gravity. Hammock rules – wear a short-sleeved T-shirt, no socks, no jewellery or watches, and no make-up and sunscreen.

The physical benefits of Aerial Yoga are many and concern the blood circulation, the digestive system as well as the spine, which it completely decompresses. At the end of each lesson we enter the “cocoon”, creating a nest inside the cloth and relax following the teacher’s instructions. It’s the moment when you feel all your muscles relax, while the exact same thing happens with your mind.

Some benefits:

  • Stress relief: soothes and calms the body and mind, thus reducing stress levels.
  • Improves flexibility and body posture: it offers a sense of well-being due to the practice of flexibility, thus improving the health of our muscles. Muscles should be strong and flexible.
  • Decompression of the spine and hydration of the spinal discs. This creates new space for the nerves located inside the spinal cord.
  • Body strengthening: strengthens the entire body of the practitioner and significantly increases their muscle mass.
  • Rejuvenation of the lymphatic, digestive and circulatory systems.
  • Release of the “happy hormones”, such as serotonin, endorphins, enkephalins and endocannabinoids.

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